Guiding Principles: A Work in Progress

I’ve been thinking a lot about the principles that underscore my life lately. There are quite a few—some of which, I’m not even aware of, I’m sure. But I thought it helpful to jot down the ones I do tango with everyday. Some of these have been with my my whole life, softly patting me along down each path I walk. Others I’ve embraced more recently.

I’m sharing because I think it’s one way I can practice a few of these today (like authenticity and being seen). It’s certainly helpful for me to document what guides me in life and to reflect. I also feel inspired when I read things like this by other people. Maybe you’ll be inspired too?

Ok, without further ado:

Be authentic. We are each unique individuals for a reason. Embrace who you are. Share who you are. 

Always Be Growing. Do the things that make your heart flutter and stomach turn. Walking through fear is the path less traveled but the one with the greatest views. 

Risk it. Take chances personally, professionally, emotionally, and intellectually. We only live once.

Capitalize on mistakes. Taking risks means failing sometimes. Mistakes and errors can be the most valuable assets. Learn and do better the next time.

Be seen. The greatest rewards (professionally and personally) are had when we aren’t afraid to mix together a little sincerity and vulnerability and then shine the spotlight on that concoction.

Question the rules. Great inventions and new solutions are borne not of following the rules, but of questioning why they are necessary (or not).

Live. Do. Be. Action is a critical component of a life well-lived and it gets better results than simply talking the talk.

Take time to reflect. It’s good to balance action with introspection. Our actions are improved when we take the time to think about why we do them and how we might do them better on the next go-around.

Laugh! Some of it’s serious, but most of it’s not. Even the serious stuff is pretty funny if you dig deep enough.

Leave a happy mark. People always remember how you made them feel, so let that feeling that lingers be enveloped in kindness, humility, and generosity.

Listen. We live in the era of noise, so be someone’s quiet harbor. Inspiration often strikes when we take time to hear others out. Ask someone how they’re doing today.

Be present. You’ll get more out of being in this moment than you will gazing on the past or grasping into the future.

F@*! perfection. Have a plan. Do your best. Then let it go.

Be Open. To others. To the impossible. To saying yes. To saying no. Steel traps are great for catching animals but our minds are more complex than that. Don’t miss out on life-changing opportunities because you’re biased toward what you already know/don’t know.

Be honest. Your word is worth more than you may think.

Progress. Always move forward, even if it’s an inch at a time. Sometimes one inch is all that’s standing between us and our greatest success. Don’t give up.

What are some of yours?


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